Monday, 1 June 2015

The Healthy Shopper’s 2015 Spring Picks ~ #Review & #Giveaway

I am so happy that spring is finally here. Tax season is over, I have finalized my daughter’s summer camp, and I even started to mow the lawn. When spring is here so is The Healthy Shopper’s 2015 Spring Picks.

In case you don’t know who The Healthy Shopper is: Co-founders Randy Boyer and Andrea Donsky started back in 1999 with a coupon book to help Canadians save on organic and natural products and later in 2007 added e-coupons on their website. They have received many comments from customers saying that through using their coupons, they have been able to try new healthy products they had never heard of or tried before.

The Healthy Shopper’s 2015 Spring Picks

I am fortunate that both my daughters are big fans of peanut butter and popcorn, so you can guess that they will love Earth Balance P.B. Popps. They are tasty and healthy snacks that they like to eat when we go out on one of our shopping excursions. It is a great snack to tie us over until our next meal. We are the type of family who love to dip our spoons in a peanut butter jar so you can guess we have been dipping into Earth Balance coconut and peanut butter spread. It is great on toast and even better when we added bananas too! We love the taste of peanut butter with a hint of coconut.

This spring, The Healthy Shopper has handpicked a fun new snack with clean ingredients and touts the benefits of a creamy nut butter with a coconut twist. Experts at “Unjunking your Junk Food,” the health savvy duo of Andrea Donsky, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and Healthy Shopper co-founder Randy Boyer offer a couple of unique ideas for snacking this spring. This season they’ve taken two conventional snack foods and swapped them for alternatives with all natural ingredients. The first option, Earth Balance P.B. Popps, is a delicious popcorn coated with oats and cuddled in a peanut butter cluster that make a yummy snack. These crunchy nuggets are Non-GMO, Vegan, Dairy and Gluten-Free and have 0g trans fats. “This unique snack option is a “must try,” said Boyer. Earth Balance P.B. Popps retail for $5.99.

They’ve also taken peanut butter, a traditional children’s favourite, and added a trendy coconut flavour. “If you’re crazy for coconut, this one part all-natural peanut butter and one part organic extra virgin coconut oil blend is a tasty treat,” said Donsky. Earth Balance Creamy Coconut and Peanut Spread is great on toast, in stir-fry dishes, smoothies and even as a warm dip for crisp apples or celery and retails for $6.99.

Both products are available at Loblaws.


The Healthy Shopper would like to offer one of my readers to win Earth Balance coconut and peanut butter spread & the P.B. Popps

This giveaway will run from June 1st, 2015 to June 22nd, 2015 (midnight EST). Winner, You have 72 hours to reply. You must be 18+ Open to Canadians only Good Luck!  Psst - Can't win if you don't answer the mandatory question.  I am not responsible for shipping and handling or damages of the prize.  The prize is shipped by the Sponsor and they may substitute the prize depending what is in stock.  Your information will be sent to the Sponsor for the purpose of shipping out the prize.

About Earth Balance
In the heart of Boulder, Colorado is Earth Balance, a company that’s committed to quality on a whole new scale and produces a line of delicious buttery spreads, shortenings, nut butters, coconut spread and snacks. All products are plant-based, vegan, made without artificial ingredients and hydrogenated oils, are free from gluten, lactose and eggs. Strong supporter of the Non-GMO Project and sustainable agriculture practices, all Earth Balance® products are made without genetically modified ingredients.

About The Healthy Shopper
For 16 years, The Healthy Shopper has been a trusted resource for educating consumers on finding healthier organic alternatives to some of our favourite products. The Healthy Shopper helps Canadians put natural and organic options in our shopping baskets. Passionate about the natural health industry, it was founded by Randy Boyer and Andrea Donsky in 1999 to encourage Canadians to pursue and maintain a naturally healthy lifestyle while saving money. Their book “Unjunk Your Junk Food,” has become a very meaningful resource for educating those searching for healthier alternatives to their favourite junk foods. The Healthy Shopper Coupon Book and its online store have encouraged consumers to try high-quality natural and organic products at more affordable prices.


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